The Edgerunners anime series is hot and, combined with the CD Projekt Red’s hard work, has resparked interest in Cyberpunk 2077. The anime series recently reached the Netflix Top 10 in over 30 countries, and in turn, Cyberpunk 2077 concurrent player numbers on Steam have been on the rise for more than a week and recently passed the all-time Steam Peak Concurrent Players for The Witcher 3 – quite impressive for sure. Due to the popularity of Edgerunners, several new mods have been released for Cyberpunk 2077 over the past week, and we wanted to share a few interesting ones. One of the most popular new mods is the Edgerunners Lucy face mod which replaces Female V’s face preset. In just one week, this mod has been downloaded over 24.000 times and has received numerous endorsements. Down below you’ll find some screenshots of this mod in action. Those interested can download the Cyberpunk 2077 Edgerunners Lucy face mod from here. The second mod that we wanted to cover is the Rebecca hairstyle and color mod that replaces the Female V stock hair color and style with that Rebecca’s style and color. The mod can be downloaded from Nexusmods here. The third and final mod that we wanted to bring to your attention is the V Edgerunners Mansion DLC mod which allows players to purchase and access V’s Mansion (as seen in the Edgerunners series) without any loading screens. In addition, this mod comes with new sitting, sleeping, wardrobe, and shower interactions. It’s an interesting mod that fans might want to try out. The latest version of this mod can be downloaded via Nexusmods as well. As always with mods, be sure to read and follow the provided installation instructions before using them. Cyberpunk 2077 is available globally now for PC, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, and Stadia. The Cyberpunk: Edgerunners series can be watched on Netflix right now.